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Wednesday 10 August 2011

Mindless vandalism and violence against innocent victims!

I have my own, very strong, views about the mindless vandalism and violence occurring across the UK, however, as you would expect, I also look at this from an employment point of view.

Most of us will, no doubt, wish to adopt a 'business as usual' approach to send a clear message to those who have instigated this disruption to our Country.  For some, this will be impossible because of the extent of the devastation to their homes and businesses.  My heart goes out to you.

I left Manchester yesterday about 10 minutes before the violence escalated in the City centre.  Salford was already under siege and the roads were grid-locked.  I can't begin to put into words my thoughts on this.  I feel for everyone touched by these senseless acts.  Who could not fail to react to the images of a woman jumping from a burning building, hopefully into the arms of those waiting below.  The sight of the delightful patisserie, a relatively new business, which brings a touch of European flair to Manchester City centre once the vandals had finished with it made me feel very sad.

So, what can employers expect in the coming days?  Staff will naturally be worried for their safety in areas that have already been targeted.  Others will suffer disruption to their journeys to and from work because of the impact on public transport and the road network.  I recommend that employers adopt a flexible approach during this time.  Most of the riots have occurred from late afternoon.  Allow staff to finish earlier in order to get home safely.  Give them the option of making up the time or, if appropriate, working from home.  If August is historically a quiet month for your business, consider allowing more staff to take holidays.

For those businesses that cannot open because of damage to premises, consider if staff can be redeployed to alternative duties.  Will they help with the clean-up?  Check your employment contracts to see what flexibility there is.

Business has to continue - and in the current economic climate, this is the last things any business needs.  However, your safety and that of your employees should be paramount.

Let's hope we've seen the worst of this dreadful situation and we can all get back to normality and feeling safe in our homes.

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